Session Locations | Where Should I Have My Session?
Session Location Ideas
Are you wondering where you should have your session with Kristine Freed Photography? Here are some ideas! Below are some sessions I have done at various locations throughout Tampa and Wesley Chapel. This will give you an idea of what the surroundings look like and what look/feel you will get with your images. There are others not posted, so if you have a location idea in mind, just let me know!
*extra $100 fee applies (along with beach locations)
Colonial Grand at Seven Oaks (best: AM 1-1.5hrs after sunrise, or PM 45min-1hr before sunset): *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *
Costco Field 1 (PM 45min before sunset):
Costco Field 2 (PM 45min before sunset):
Curtis Hixon Park (AM or PM): *, *
Cypress Creek Preserve (AM or PM): *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *
X was shut down indefinitely to photographers Cypress Point Park (AM or PM): *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *
Downtown Tampa (best in PM, shortly before sunset): *, *
Estancia (PM 45min before sunset): *
*Fred Howard Park– extra $100 fee (best in PM, shortly before sunset): *
*Ft Desoto– extra $100 fee (PM 45min before sunset): *
Hyde Park (best in AM, shortly after sunrise): *
Lake Park (AM 30min after sunrise): *, *
Meadow Pointe III (AM 30min after sunrise): *
*Philippe Park– extra $100 fee (best in PM, shortly before sunset):
Riverhills Park (AM 30min after sunrise): *, *
*Safety Harbor Waterfront Park– extra $100 fee (AM 30min after sunrise): *
Swann Circle Park (AM 30min after sunrise): *, *
Union Park 1– main entrance (best in PM, shortly before sunset): *, *, *, *, *
Union Park 2– main pool (AM 30-45min after sunrise, or PM 45min-1hr before sunset): *, *
Union Park 3– 2nd entrance (45min-1hr after sunrise): *
Union Park 4– near gated section (45min-1hr after sunrise):
USF (AM or PM): *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *
University of Tampa (best in PM, shortly before sunset): *, *, *, *, *, *
Waterworks Park (best in PM, shortly before sunset): *
West Meadows (AM 30min after sunrise): *
Ybor 3 (best in PM, shortly before sunset): *
Ybor 4 (best in PM, shortly before sunset):
Additional Locations: Al Lopez Park, *Apollo Beach Nature Preserve, *Ballast Point Park, Hillsborough River State Park, *Medard Park
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