We did senior pics of Sherilyn’s daughter a couple weeks ago, but “W” was our first official senior. SO.MUCH.FUN! So different from chasing toddlers around or propping up babies (not that we don’t love that, too- just different).
“W” made it easy to take pics of her and was open to anything. We loved that she brought her pointe shoes and was up for doing some leaps for us. A couple walking down the street saw her, but didn’t see us across the street taking the pics and made a comment as walking by that they were ‘glad there were people there with her because they were wondering what she was doing’. 🙂
Thanks “L” for asking us to do her pics and thanks “W” for being such a great model. 🙂
Maria SniderThese are great. I love the last one. Very cute.
Curtis Hixon Park Engagement | He Took My Heart[…] have known Winter for what seems like forever. I even did her senior photos for her a few years back. Well she’s all grown up now and getting married! I met with […]