It’s time for Tampa holiday sessions Fall 2022!
It’s September, and even though it’s still hot as all get out, it’s that time- time to schedule your holiday session! The holidays will be quickly approaching so start thinking now about your family holiday pictures!
Your Reveal session is scheduled approximately 2wks after your session, and I will be out of town Thanksgiving week, so all sessions need to take place before then to have your images in time for Christmas!
I now offer petite sessions year-round, so you have 3 options no matter what time of year you schedule. Whichever session you choose- pick a date, pick a location, and get ready for some family fun!
Choose from the following options:
1- session only option $250
2- full digital option $499
3- petite digital option $350
***Book/pay for your session by NEXT Sunday 9/11, and get $25 off!
Have you already had a session with me this year? If so, you get $25 off your holiday session!
I would love to be your family photographer for holiday photos this year! Schedule your Tampa holiday sessions now! Email me at if you have any questions, or would like to schedule your session!