Fairies are invisible and inaudible like angels. But their magic sparkles in nature.
~Lynn Holland
I have known Kristen and her kids for 7+ years. I knew her when there were only Calvin, Alice & Ella and then have known Miss Caroline since she was born. They’re not babies anymore!!! 🙁 They grow up too fast and it makes me sad because it reminds me that my boys are growing too fast right along with them.
While at their house waiting & helping them get ready, the girls showed me their fairy gardens they had built. The cutest little things all decked out with flowers, bridges and all the little extras. When we got to this spot we were going to take pictures, I told them we were going to the secret fairy forest and asked if they wanted to look for fairies. So that’s what we did! 😉 Stopping along the way to take some pictures, of course!
These four are the cutest and their mama does an AWESOME job of coordinating outfits quickly!
I got to play some with my lensbaby. I just love the artistic edge it adds 😉
It’s kind of tricky to use, especially quickly, and I’m not guaranteed I’m going to get the right things in focus, but that’s ok with me. I love this one anyway!
Thank you, Kristen for once again trusting me to take photos for you!!!
*leave Kristen and her beautimous kiddos some love! If they get 20 comments, they get a $30 credit!!!