Shanard contacted me to set up a family session for his and his wife, Fran’s 12th anniversary. It’s usually the woman of a family contacting me, and the men in the family are usually not too excited about it, lol, so this was the sweetest. Jah’Rai (6 years old) and Symphonie (8 months old) were the cutest with coordinating hat and headband when they showed up for their family photos at Curtis Hixon. They chose this location because it is close to everything: the riverfront, city skyline, and even a playground for the littles after the session is finished. The day of the session was clear with scattered clouds, which worked perfectly for the little ones- it wasn’t way too hot or too bright. We started by the museums, down the stairs to the Riverwalk, then some playtime in the grassy area of the park. I had fun playing with Jah’Rai and got some good laughs out of him. I’m very grateful to have met this sweet family. Happy Anniversary!!
The greatest legacy
-Og Mandino
we can leave
our children is
happy memories
What’s your favorite family activity?
We love watching movies and eating candy.
Were you worried about any parts of the session beforehand? If so, what were the worries?
I was worried that we wouldn’t be there on time or meet Kristine in the right location.
Tell me about your favorite parts of our session, or why you enjoyed the session.
I loved that you knew where to position us, at the right spot and while capturing the city and sunset.
Tell me about the outfits you wore to the shoot (where you bought them, why you chose them, etc).
We chose white and blue outfits. They were bought at Marshalls and Old Navy. We chose these colors because they would stand out and be functional for the shoot.
What are some words of wisdom you have for other families preparing for a session?
Pick the right location, especially if you have kids so they can play and enjoy their time out. Have a theme, style for your shoot. When all else fails, just have fun.
Are you looking for family photos at Curtis Hixon?
Contact me for my Client Guide to learn about your own family session!