I swear this little man was just born- I did his newborn pictures a year ago already?! Now I got to take his first birthday photos with family. Erin contacted me and said they would have some of their close family in town for Brody’s first birthday, and she had been throwing around the idea of getting some family pictures done. She thought it might be nice to capture a few moments together while everyone was here. Her first thought was UT- she went there so it had a special meaning and she loves Plant Hall, and the park. So UT is where we went! It was so nice to see how much Brody had grown and get to meet his grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousins. We had a great time getting pictures of everyone with Brody!
Where there is family, there is love.
Are you looking for first birthday photos with family?
Contact me for my Client Guide to learn about your own family session!