Jen contacted me looking for someone to take family photos in her home. She had family visiting from New York– like lots of family- like 10 adults/2 kids lots. lol. I don’t do a lot of extended family sessions, much less in-home extended family photos, but it was a lot of fun working with all of the different groupings: the kiddos, the whole group, and each of the smaller groups. When we had her consult, Jen and her mom wanted to do the photos inside their home and asked about backgrounds and lighting. This is all opposite from my ‘normal’ sessions- I don’t do backdrops, except sometimes with my newborn sessions, I don’t have/use any lighting (I’m all natural lighting), and besides newborn or lifestyle sessions, my sessions are outdoors. I offered to refer them to another local photographer that may better meet their needs, but they wanted to stick with me- and I’m glad they did! They challenged me to find what would work- where in their home would have the most space and best background without showing the whole house, where we could open blinds and get the best natural lighting… all in all, I think it worked! And it was sooooo hot on this summer FL day, so doing the session indoors was definitely a blessing. They hadn’t had family photos in years, so I’m glad I could do these for them while they were all together in Florida!
like branches on a tree,
we all grow in different directions
yet our roots remain as one.
Are you looking for in home extended family photos?
Contact me for my Client Guide to learn about your own family session!