Look how little the girls were the last time I took this family’s photos in 2014 in Ybor! This time Christine decided to meet up at Armature Works for their Tampa family photography. All started out fine until a few minutes into our session the security guard comes out and tells us we can’t take pictures there 🙁 . Apparently, Armature is private property and won’t allow photographers to take pictures, which is unfortunate because it’s a beautiful location. I had always scheduled at times when they were either not open, or when there wouldn’t be many people there, and would always be courteous to people who were there. I guess some photographers were not? Luckily, Christine and Todd were super understanding, and we were able to hurry and quickly get in their pictures without getting into any more trouble. I can’t believe how big the girls have gotten, and can’t wait to take family pictures for them again!
today’s little moments
become tomorrow’s
precious memories
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