Tdachi Deni contacted me about Tampa professional headshots for her healthy living book that is in the process of being published! I’m always so excited and thankful to hear that I’ve been recommended, and I’m so incredibly grateful that Tdachi Deni chose me. We chatted a bit and she chose downtown Tampa for her location. She wanted a city feel for her book, and when she saw my work in some places in the city she fell in love. I loved talking with Tdachi while taking her photos- headshots are different than a family session and can sometimes feel awkward getting pictures of yourself taken. I’m glad I could help Tdachi feel comfortable and get these fun pictures of her that show her beauty and personality. She is the sweetest and I can’t wait to see the final outcome of her book! Go follow her now! 🙂
Some of Tdachi’s words on her book:
This is a part of the introduction: ———————————————————–“I live a very healthy lifestyle now, and I even teach fitness classes to participants all over the world. I love what I do, and I have made big changes in my life in order to truly create the habits that foster whole body health, not just weight loss or a certain size. But it wasn’t always this way. I had problems with my weight as a child, throughout highschool, and into my adult life. As I started learning more about what I could do to change, I read books, asked friends, sought out wonderful mentors and came to the realization that how we use our minds in every aspect of life is the most important component to get the desired results we crave. Whether you want to accomplish a fitness goal, a life goal, change your career, make more money, improve your relationships… everything starts inside your mind. Our culture has made us think all our problems can disappear if we just change the way our bodies look. But it’s a vicious cycle when we don’t work on what truly matters: our brain. If we don’t work from our mind first, our habits will not change, we will lose the results we achieve, and we will find ourselves back where we started over and over again. But we’re about to change that.”.
“To create the health, the life, the money or the relationships we want, we need to change our mind FIRST. If we don’t, our habits will not change and we will go back to the current result that we want. My book will help you set the right mind to obtain the health that you want.”. Here is the second teaser from the intro of my book: —————————————————————“The most common commitment people make is exercising more, improving their diet and losing weight. They will start with high hopes, but when they don’t see visible results quick enough, they will quit. We blame our boss, our friends, our kids; we blame the fact that we have no time during the day to work out or eat healthy. The reality is, the only responsible person for not achieving these goals is YOU. Yes, you read that right! Our limited time, our friends, kids or our bosses aren’t responsible. These are just excuses we make in our minds, and the only person responsible for what happens inside our own minds is ourselves. “—————————————————————Everybody…. including myself has had this happen. But there is a fix for this. Excited to share it with you.
If you can imagine it,
William Arthur Ward
you can achieve it. If you
can dream it, you can
become it.
Were you worried about any parts of the session beforehand? If so, what were the worries?
I was not worried at all. I was ready to have fun. You were amazing and I felt very comfortable posing for you.
Tell me about your favorite parts of our session, or why you enjoyed the session.
My favorite part was hanging out with you. You are such a sweet person and easygoing. You made me feel like I knew you and made it easier for me to pose and feel comfortable.
Tell me about the outfit(s) you wore to the shoot (where you bought them, why you chose them, etc).
I wanted to be comfy and use neutral colors. I used that because my publisher told me to wear sport clothes so my readers can connect more with the content of my book.
What are some words of wisdom you have for others preparing for a Tampa professional headshot session?
Do not worry about your session. Kristine will be prepared for you. You just need to let go and enjoy the moment. Sometimes we worry about every single detail and then we realize the photo shoot is over. Enjoy and let things happen so Kristine can capture every memory.
Are you looking for Tampa professional headshots?
Contact me for my Client Guide to learn about your own headshot session!