Breastfeeding is one of the most beautiful and rewarding experiences of motherhood, but it can also be one of the most challenging.
I’ve experienced many mamas trying to breastfeed for the first time after birth at their birthing sessions. Sometimes baby latches right away and everything goes smoothly, other times not so much.
Whether you’re a first-time mom or a seasoned pro, there may come a time when you need a little extra help and support with breastfeeding and there’s no shame in that!
In this post, I’m sharing my knowledge and experience to help you know when you should seek breastfeeding support and where you can find it. Like I said, this is my knowledge and experience so if you have any questions about if you should seek support, scroll down to Where to Find Breastfeeding Support below and reach out to a professional!
When to Seek Breastfeeding Support
The first few days after birth
My story is a little different than most because my boys came a little early and were in the NICU for 12 and 14 days. Because of this, my first breastfeeding experience was in the NICU. I actually ended up being very grateful for many reasons, one of which was all the help and support I received from the NICU nurses. They were SO helpful. BUT when I was on my own when they came home it was a different story. I expected it to continue to go smoothly, but it didn’t. Not being able to tell exactly how much they were getting/eating- I felt pressure to resort to another way of feeding to be sure they were getting and gaining enough.
The first few days after birth can be an overwhelming time for new moms, and this is when seeking breastfeeding support is crucial.
In these early days, it’s common for both mom and baby to be learning the ropes and adjusting to the new experience of breastfeeding.
If you’re experiencing:
- Difficulty latching your baby
- Potential low milk supply
- or you think your baby isn’t getting enough milk…
Don’t hesitate to seek out professional help. Experts can help you with proper positioning, latch techniques, and other tips to ensure successful breastfeeding.
Support can often prevent more significant breastfeeding challenges down the road, so don’t be afraid to reach out for help as soon as you need it (we’ll talk more about those options in this blog post).
If you experience pain or discomfort while breastfeeding
While some mild discomfort is expected as you and your baby adjust, ongoing or severe pain is a sign that something is not right.
If you’re experiencing pain, soreness, or discomfort while breastfeeding, it’s time to seek support. There are professionals who can assess your breastfeeding technique, check your baby’s latch, and offer suggestions to improve your comfort while breastfeeding. Delaying seeking help can lead to more severe pain or even infection. For the most part, breastfeeding should be a comfortable and enjoyable experience, and there is no need to suffer in silence!
The NICU nurses reassured me that it was normal to be a little sensitive and uncomfortable at first, but once we got past that it was no longer painful.
I’ve seen moms struggling to get that first latch after birth and having the nurse there helped them overcome that challenge and start building a successful breastfeeding relationship with their baby.
If your baby isn’t gaining weight or is losing weight
This is part of where my struggle came in with breastfeeding my boys. Since they were preemie, they wanted them to eat a certain amount to be able to gain a certain amount of weight. Since I wasn’t able to know exactly how much they were eating, it became a constant struggle back and forth.
If your baby isn’t gaining weight or is losing weight, it might be time to seek some breastfeeding support. While it’s normal for babies to lose a little weight in the first few days after birth, if they’re not gaining it back or continue to lose weight, that’s a red flag that something isn’t right.
Don’t panic – there’s help available! (Be sure to read the next part: Where to Find Breastfeeding Support in Tampa and Surrounding Areas)
If you’re struggling with milk supply
If you’re worried that your milk supply isn’t keeping up with your baby’s demands, it might be time to seek some help.
But before you do, let’s make sure you’re actually struggling with milk supply.
Are you getting fewer than six wet diapers a day? Is your baby fussy and seems like they’re still hungry even after a feed? If so, it’s time to seek some help from a lactation consultant or your healthcare provider. They can help you determine if your milk supply is the issue or if there’s something else going on. And if it is a milk supply issue, don’t worry – there are plenty of ways to boost your milk production and keep your little one well-fed.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed about breastfeeding
I wish someone had told me this!
If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed when it comes to breastfeeding, that in and of itself is reason to seek support!
I felt SO stressed and overwhelmed when I had my doctor (and sometimes even my husband because he was of course concerned about the health of his boys) on me about them maybe not getting enough to eat and suggesting that maybe I think of supplementing or stopping breastfeeding altogether.
Breastfeeding can be a challenging and emotional journey, and it’s totally normal to feel like you’re struggling to keep up.
Use the resources in the next section to reach out to either a professional or a friend.
Sometimes, all you need is a listening ear and a little encouragement to help you through the tough times.
You’re doing an amazing job providing for your baby, and it’s okay to ask for help when you need it!
Where to Find Breastfeeding Support
There are a lot of resources both online and offline for new moms who are seeking breastfeeding support.
When I was breastfeeding my boys (years ago now), I felt like I was in it alone once I left the hospital and didn’t have much help or guidance. You shouldn’t feel that way!
Here are some of the most common options:
- Healthcare provider– Your healthcare provider can be a great resource for breastfeeding support. They can provide guidance on common issues like latching and positioning, as well as refer you to a lactation consultant if necessary.
Pros: Covered by most insurance plans, convenient, reliable.
Cons: Limited time during appointments, may not be specialized in lactation support. - Lactation consultants or breastfeeding counselor– Lactation consultants are highly trained professionals who can provide one-on-one support to help you overcome breastfeeding challenges. Some hospitals and birth centers have lactation consultants on staff, and there are also private lactation consultants available for hire. Breastfeeding counselors may not have the same level of training as lactation consultants, but they can still provide valuable support and guidance.
Pros: Highly specialized, personalized support, reliable.
Cons: Can be costly, may not be covered by insurance.
*Jaime Kaley Perez with Thriving Joy Pediatrics - La Leche League– La Leche League is an international organization that provides breastfeeding education and support to moms. They offer local meetings, online forums, and a 24-hour helpline.
Pros: Free or low-cost, supportive community, reliable information.
Cons: May not be available in all areas, may not be as personalized as other options.
*Pasco, Tampa - Online breastfeeding communities and forums– There are many online communities and forums where you can connect with other moms who are breastfeeding. These can be a great source of support and encouragement, as well as a place to get answers to your breastfeeding questions.
Pros: Convenient, accessible 24/7, free.
Cons: May not be reliable sources of information, may not be as personalized as other options.
*What to Expect, Milky Mamas, The Leaky Boob - Breastfeeding support groups– There are many local breastfeeding support groups where you can connect with other breastfeeding moms and get support and guidance from a facilitator. These can be found through hospitals, community centers, and other local organizations.
Pros: Free or low-cost, supportive community, reliable information.
Cons: May not be available in all areas, may not be as personalized as other options. - Friends and family members who have breastfeeding experience– Finally, don’t discount the value of support from friends and family members who have breastfed before. They can provide encouragement, empathy, and practical advice based on their own experiences.
Pros: Free, personalized support, convenient.
Cons: May not have the same level of expertise as other options, may not be available if you don’t know anyone with breastfeeding experience.
When deciding on the best source of support for you, consider factors like cost, convenience, reliability, and the level of personalized support you need. Don’t be afraid to try out different options until you find the one that works best for you and your baby.
Remember, there’s no shame in asking for help or support when it comes to breastfeeding.
Seeking assistance from a professional or a support group can make all the difference in your breastfeeding journey. Don’t hesitate to reach out and take advantage of the many resources available to you as a breastfeeding mom. You’ve got this!
If you’re looking for a Tampa maternity, birth or newborn Photographer, click here to see my portfolio of images.
AND download my free guide: When to Find Breastfeeding Support & Help (and Where to Find It) so you can print it to have at your fingertips!