Emma Anne was born on 6/11/22 at 6:40am. She was 8lbs 3oz and 20.5 inches long. We did her newborn photos when she was 6 days old! Kayla and Markus chose an in-home session because of convenience and comfort. It’s nice because you don’t have to worry about leaving your home with a new little one. I was so honored they chose me to capture their new precious little girl!
-Stevie Wonder
What’s the first thing that ran through your mind when you found out you were pregnant? SO EXCITED AND THANKFUL, hopeful, but also anxious for the unknown of what’s to come!
What was the first thing you thought when you saw your baby for the first time? Could not believe she was ours. 10 months and 4 days inside of me and she just comes out in one piece a full human?? It’s a surreal experience.
What was your favorite part about our session together? The ease of it. You were so easy to work with, laid back, personable, made us comfortable, and were great with Emma!
How did you prepare the baby for our photo shoot? I fed her when you got to my house while setting up, changed her.
How was your experience having your newborn photographed? Were you nervous or worried before? How did it turn out? I was not, just hopeful you’d get some good shots and you got tons!!
What would be your advice to someone getting newborn photographs taken? Yes they are expensive but do it – you will regret not capturing how precious they are. And don’t stress about it, I was uncomfortable at not even a full week PP with my body being photographed, you can crop them however you want to these moments won’t come around again and you’ll be thankful you did it!
Are you looking for newborn photos?
Contact me for my Client Guide to learn about your own newborn session!