I’m not quite sure how I’m going to implement this strategy and work any of the holidays and/or observances into my marketing plan, but I thought I’d start out by sharing them with you. Hey- I’m communicating with my audience, right? 😉 We can have a laugh together! And I feel better knowing I’m making you aware of some things you may not have known you should be doing! lol
Each month, I plan on writing a blog post to share that month’s holidays & observances. Some days I may decide to post the daily holiday/observance on my facebook page, along with a thought/question/opinion to go along with it. And keep your eye out- some months/weeks/days there may even be a contest or giveaway with it! 🙂
So, without further ado, I present to you January’s bizarre, crazy, silly, unknown, strange, unusual, weird, etc etc Holidays & Observances…
National Blood Donor Month
National Hobby Month
Hot Tea Month
National Soup Month
Get Organized Month
International Creativity Month
1-4 New Years Resolutions Week
2-8 Someday We’ll Laugh About This Week
2nd wk Letter Writing Week
6-13 National Lose Weight/Feel Great Week
11-17 Cuckoo Dancing Week
20-26 Hunt For Happiness Week
21-25 No Name Calling Week
21-25 National Take Back Your Time Week
DAY (I started with today)
16 Appreciate A Dragon Day
16 National Nothing Day
17 Get To Know Your Customer’s Day
17 Ditch New Years Resolutions Day
18 Winnie The Pooh Day
19 National Popcorn Day
21 National Hugging Day
22 Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day
24 Compliment Day
24 Belly Laugh Day
25 Opposite Day
26 Spouse’s Day
27 Chocolate Cake Day
28 Fun At Work Day
28 National Kazoo Day
28 Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day
31 Backward Day
31 Inspire Your Heart With Art Day
Global Belly Laugh Day | blog.KristineFreed.com[…] this post from a few days ago about holidays and observances you may not have heard of before? Well I […]
Holidays and Observances | blog.KristineFreed.com[…] of February? If you missed my post last month with an explanation and January’s list, find it here. Happy […]
Holidays and Observances | blog.KristineFreed.com[…] strange, unusual, weird, etc etc Holidays & Observances of March! Follow these links to see January’s and […]
Holidays and Observances | blog.KristineFreed.com[…] weird, etc etc Holidays & Observances of April! Find the previous months’ lists here: January, February, […]
Holidays and Observances | blog.KristineFreed.com[…] weird, etc etc Holidays & Observances of April! Find the previous months’ lists here: January, February, March, […]
Holidays and Observances | blog.KristineFreed.com[…] weird, etc etc Holidays & Observances of June! Find the previous months’ lists here: January, February, March, April, […]
Holidays and Observances | blog.KristineFreed.com[…] weird, etc etc Holidays & Observances of July! Find the previous months’ lists here: January, February, March, April, May, […]
Holidays and Observances | blog.KristineFreed.com[…] etc etc Holidays & Observances of August! Find the previous months’ lists here: January, February, March, April, May, June, […]
Holidays and Observances[…] etc etc Holidays & Observances of September! Find the previous months’ lists here: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, […]
Holidays and Observances[…] etc etc Holidays & Observances of September! Find the previous months’ lists here: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, […]
Holidays and Observances[…] etc etc Holidays & Observances of November! Find the previous months’ lists here: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, […]